Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Door

The door is open
Waiting for me to enter
Just make the leap
“gulp” take a deep breath- get into position
… ready to pounce
“eyes open”
The door was open
Waited for me to enter
I was shackled by demons
Weighed down with worry
It’s out of reach
You’ll never make it
I turned back
Next time I won’t listen
I won’t think
Just “jump”

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I am sorry for my porcupine ways

I am sorry for the transparent thorns
That cut you so deep

I am sorry for the demon's deceit
whispered in my ears and out my mouth

I am sorry
for throwing away your trust

I am sorry
that I resemble your hate
And I must beg for your forgiveness
But I cannot change
.... So please don't ask

Life's Endless Loop

      That day is burned in my memory
The warmth seemed to leap away
And suddenly I felt Constricted. Trapped!
The freezing cold started to fill my body
I thrashed around, slamming against the walls of my cage
Crack…. Crack…. Crack
My solid confinement broke open
A sudden burst of bright light crawled over my rough skin
And into my eyes- stinging for only a moment
I let out a wail of fear and confusion
“Huzzah- The Dragon has been slain!”
Are the first words I was to ever hear
Followed by many cries of joy and celebration
This was my very first memory—forever burned into my mind
Much as I burn the town now
And watch those same ‘creatures’ – who’s cheers I remember so clear
As they desperately scramble around
…. Trying to protect their young

Monday, February 23, 2015


I lay awake
In a never ending nightmare
Some days it's empty
Other days are miserable
very rarely, a dream will snake its way in
giving me a sense of peace
until the colors mesh together
leaving me in pure darkness once again

The Intruder

The intruder glares me down

 She whispers, “I don’t belong.”

And continues, “I know this isn’t a place I should be.”

But she stays

Stays, in hope that she finds a place in this wretched land- a place where she can belong.

I believe that she is only trying to convince herself of this idea that there is a place for her here

I believe that she is actually held captive by my

-- Our cruel world.

She only wishes to belong

But every attempt at fitting in only makes people reject her more

There was a time that the intruder was compatible and she found comfort in being here

But the endless incantations slowly slipped into her mind making a permanent residence there; much as she is becoming a permanent entity of my-- their world

She sits in the corner, with her glaring eyes

She silently watches everyone and drinks the poison- supplied by long- time residents of this place.

Her one and only hope is that an escape will appear before death answers her pleas.